Monthly Archives: July 2016

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Overview This sort is pretty easy to understand. At a very high level it simply takes your unsorted data and splits it into two chunks, unsorted and sorted. One by one it moves the data from the unsorted chunk to the sorted chunk in the correct order. This leaves you with a sorted data set in the end. For example, if you have the following unsorted data: [10,13,4,8,232,1,2,382,81,1] Think of it as two logical chunks. The sorted chunk has no data in it, the unsorted chunk has 10 pieces of data. So how do you move the unsorted data into the sorted data chunk? I’m sorting this in ascending order for the example, but other orders can be used if they make sense. Basically the sort works by looking through every item in the data set and then placing the (in this case) smallest item and swapping it with the […]

This is my first blog post! I’ve been busy working on my website and have completely neglected this place. This is a critical part of my website though as I want to write about my projects and the website format doesn’t really meet my needs. I’ve been working on a few projects which have been keeping me pretty busy. I’ve created a github repo for a “my collections” project. This is really just a way for me to practice my algorithms and data structures that I learned a while back. I don’t really want to forget them so I figure making some simplified versions of them is a great way to refresh myself with how they work. I’ll be writing at least one blog post about each topic so hopefully they will be useful. I’ve got a tower defense game that I worked on a while back that I hope […]